
Join Our Workshop

SibShop is a lively and educational celebration of the many contributions made by siblings of individuals with support needs. SibShop is better known as a "workshop" for siblings that gather to share experiences, stories, and take the time to express how they feel while relating to people in their community.

These meetings are best described as opportunities for siblings of children with physical health, mental health, and developmental needs to obtain peer support and education. SibShops are intended to serve as a safe space and increase the sibling's ability to have time away from their family and operate as their truest self while having fun with people who have shared experiences.

toilet training for kids with autism

Get in Touch

- Is your child at least 6 years or older?
- Has one of your children been diagnosed with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder)?
- This is a paid program ($40 for a 6 month enrollment consisting of one monthly Support Group meet-up). All proceeds go directly to supplies and resources for running the program. Are you comfortable paying the fee?

If you answered "yes" to all three of the above questions and would like more information, please fill out the form below and we will contact you!

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